Charity Audits and Independent Examinations in Leamington Spa

Does your charity require an audit? This will depend mainly on how much income the charity receives. The income limit varies according to the type of charity as follows:

  • all charities where income exceeds £500,000 require an audit
  • charities registered in England and Wales (both incorporated and unincorporated) require an independent examination where their income falls between £25,000 and £500,000. Charities in Scotland will always require an independent examination if not audited
  • where income is over £250,000 the independent examiner must be suitably qualified (if registered in England & Wales). For charities registered in Scotland, all independent examiners must be suitably qualified

There are other criteria to consider, particularly regarding total assets, and the rules can be complex.

We can help you to ascertain whether or not an audit or independent examination is necessary and, if appropriate, our specialist team will also complete this audit/examination.

How Michael Harwood & Co can help

Michael Harwood & Co can assist charities in Leamington Spa and the surrounding area by carrying out a cost-effective audit.

Our charity experts will perform your auditing and financial analysis with a minimum of fuss and maximum efficiency and accuracy. Yet our service goes beyond simply looking through your organisation's books.

The charities team at Michael Harwood & Co will help you to make the best use of a potentially strict budget, whilst ensuring that your organisation is taking advantage of all the tax relief opportunities available.

Enlist us as your auditors and we will:

  • Determine whether or not an audit or independent examination is required
  • Identify any potential future problems.
  • Maximise tax reliefs and allowances
  • Carry out that audit/ independent examination
  • Suggest ways to improve your organisation's finances

Michael Harwood & Co can carry out an audit or independent examination for charities, not-for-profit organisations and community interest companies. Contact us today to discover how we can help organisations in Leamington Spa to minimise the burden associated with charity accounts, audit and taxation.